
“When we try to pick out anything by itself we find that it is bound fast by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken, to everything in the universe.”

John Muir

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donate land

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Donate money

Why we need your help

Purchasing land on a timeline that matters requires strategic action, bold outcomes and an economy that’s aligned with the environment. Your gift will go directly to helping the Carrizo Plain Conservancy change the course of conservation.

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Donation Total: $50

Contact us to Donate Money

Donate funds, make bequests and gifts of stock, Use the form below to contact us or call Steph Wald at (805) 471- 3789 for more details.

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What we do

The Carrizo Plain Conservancy protects & restores the Carrizo Plain ecosystem for the benefit of native wildlife, local communities and economies.


Conservation of  the "Serengeti of California", the last remnants of the vast grasslands in the Central Valley, is at the heart of our work.


With the help of volunteers and dedicated helpers we restore lands degraded from mismanagement and overuse.


We work on restoring water resources for wildlive, greatly reduced by pollution from agriculture and human impact.


Engaging with private and public land owners, we work to connect wild lands to give wildlife room to roam.

Donate land

Why we need your help

One of our goals is to expand conserved lands on the Carrizo Plain and surrounding areas to achieve a world-class conservation area that provides sufficient habitat for the full complement of species found in the Southern San Joaquin Valley to ensure their long term viability in the face of climate change and other uncertainties.

Contact us to Donate Land

Use the form below to contact us or call Neil Havlik at (805) 801- 3416 for more details.

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Donations by the Numbers

With the help of many people we’ve been able to achieve a lot. Thank you to all of our sponsors and volunteers!

Acres of land donated or purchased

Dollars raised

Tons of junk removed

Donate time

Why we need your help

Clean up donated land, raise awareness, remove fences or make them permeable for wildlife.

Contact us to Volunteer

Use the form below to contact us and find out how you can lend a hand.

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